Thursday, October 18, 2012

Artist: Kumi Yamashita

I posted one of her works on here previously, but I'm going to do some more of her work because she has a few really interesting series.

(two sidenotes: first, I love her website layout, and am basically trying to emulate that for mine... and second, I notice that the last 3 artists I've posted are Japanese--and looking closer, I think there is a common thread of subtlety and ambiguity in all of their work that I like)

She has a few different series of portraits (using different techniques/materials), but they are all sort of born out of repetitive processes that come together to form a picture.

Her light/shadow pieces are great (it's one of those ideas where I wish I had thought of it). The end result is clean and simple, but I can imagine how much time something like that takes to get just right.

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